Uses of Class

Packages that use TorqueException
org.apache.torque Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java. 
org.apache.torque.adapter Adapters between Torque and various databases. 
org.apache.torque.avalon Avalon component implementation. 
org.apache.torque.dsfactory Torque's API for creation of various javax.sql.DataSource implementations. 
org.apache.torque.manager A manager/factory API for use with Torque-generated data beans. Description of the schema layout. API for the classic Torque-generated object model. 
org.apache.torque.util Misc. 

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque

Subclasses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque
 class NoRowsException
          This exception indicates that no rows were returned but atleast one should have been returned.
 class TooManyRowsException
          This exception indicates that more rows were returned than expected.

Methods in org.apache.torque that throw TorqueException
static java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection()
          This method returns a Connection from the default pool.
 java.sql.Connection TorqueInstance.getConnection()
          This method returns a Connection from the default pool.
static java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns a Connecton using the given database name.
 java.sql.Connection TorqueInstance.getConnection(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a database connection to the database with the key name.
static java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method returns a Connecton using the given parameters.
 java.sql.Connection TorqueInstance.getConnection(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method returns a Connection using the given parameters.
static Database Torque.getDatabase(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the database for the given key.
 Database TorqueInstance.getDatabase(java.lang.String databaseName)
          Returns the database for the key databaseName.
static DatabaseMap Torque.getDatabaseMap()
          Returns the default database map information.
 DatabaseMap TorqueInstance.getDatabaseMap()
          Returns the default database map information.
static DatabaseMap Torque.getDatabaseMap(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the database map information.
 DatabaseMap TorqueInstance.getDatabaseMap(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the database map information.
static java.util.Map Torque.getDatabases()
          Returns a Map containing all Databases registered to Torque.
 java.util.Map TorqueInstance.getDatabases()
          Returns a Map containing all Databases registered to Torque.
 DataSourceFactory TorqueInstance.getDataSourceFactory(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the DataSourceFactory for the database with the name name.
static DB Torque.getDB(java.lang.String name)
          Returns database adapter for a specific connection pool.
 DB TorqueInstance.getDB(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the database adapter for a specific database.
static MapBuilder Torque.getMapBuilder(java.lang.String className)
          Get a MapBuilder
 MapBuilder TorqueInstance.getMapBuilder(java.lang.String className)
          Get a MapBuilder
static java.lang.String Torque.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns the current schema for a database connection
 java.lang.String TorqueInstance.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns the current schema for a database connection
static void Torque.init(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration conf)
          Initialization of Torque with a properties file.
 void TorqueInstance.init(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration conf)
          Initialization of Torque with a Configuration object.
static void Torque.init(java.lang.String configFile)
          Initialization of Torque with a properties file.
 void TorqueInstance.init(java.lang.String configFile)
          Initialization of Torque with a properties file.
protected  void TorqueInstance.initManagerMappings(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration conf)
          Creates a mapping between classes and their manager classes.
static void Torque.setSchema(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String schema)
          Sets the current schema for a database connection
 void TorqueInstance.setSchema(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String schema)
          Sets the current schema for a database connection
static void Torque.shutdown()
          Shuts down the service.
 void TorqueInstance.shutdown()
          Shuts down the service.

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque.adapter

Methods in org.apache.torque.adapter that throw TorqueException
 void DBSybase.generateLimits(Query query, int offset, int limit)
          Modify a query to add limit and offset values for Sybase.
 void AbstractDBAdapter.generateLimits(Query query, int offset, int limit)
          This method is used to generate the database specific query extension to limit the number of record returned.
 void DB.generateLimits(Query query, int offset, int limit)
          This method is used to generate the database specific query extension to limit the number of record returned.

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque.avalon

Methods in org.apache.torque.avalon that throw TorqueException
 java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection()
          This method returns a Connection from the default pool.
 java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection(java.lang.String name)
 java.sql.Connection Torque.getConnection(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method returns a Connecton using the given parameters.
 Database Torque.getDatabase(java.lang.String databaseName)
          Returns the database for the key databaseName.
 DatabaseMap Torque.getDatabaseMap()
          Returns the default database map information.
 DatabaseMap Torque.getDatabaseMap(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the database map information.
 java.util.Map Torque.getDatabases()
          Returns a Map containing all Databases registered to Torque.
 DB Torque.getDB(java.lang.String name)
          Returns database adapter for a specific connection pool.
 MapBuilder Torque.getMapBuilder(java.lang.String className)
          Get a MapBuilder
 java.lang.String Torque.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          This method returns the current schema for a database connection
 void Torque.setSchema(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String schema)
          Sets the current schema for a database connection

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque.dsfactory

Methods in org.apache.torque.dsfactory that throw TorqueException
protected  void AbstractDataSourceFactory.applyConfiguration(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration c, java.lang.Object o)
          Iterate over a Configuration subset and apply all properties to a passed object which must contain Bean setter and getter
 void PerUserPoolDataSourceFactory.close()
          Closes the pool associated with this factory and releases it.
 void SharedPoolDataSourceFactory.close()
          Closes the pool associated with this factory and releases it.
 void DataSourceFactory.close()
          A hook which is called when the resources of the associated DataSource can be released.
 javax.sql.DataSource JndiDataSourceFactory.getDataSource()
abstract  javax.sql.DataSource AbstractDataSourceFactory.getDataSource()
 javax.sql.DataSource DataSourceFactory.getDataSource()
protected  javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource AbstractDataSourceFactory.initCPDS(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
          Initializes the ConnectionPoolDataSource.
 void JndiDataSourceFactory.initialize(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
 void PerUserPoolDataSourceFactory.initialize(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
 void AbstractDataSourceFactory.initialize(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
          Initialize the factory.
 void SharedPoolDataSourceFactory.initialize(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
 void DataSourceFactory.initialize(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration)
          Initialize the factory.

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque.manager

Methods in org.apache.torque.manager that throw TorqueException
protected  void AbstractBaseManager.clearImpl()
          Clears the cache
protected  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.getOMInstance(ObjectKey id)
          Return an instance of an om based on the id
protected  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.getOMInstance(ObjectKey key, boolean fromCache)
          Return an instance of an om based on the id
protected  java.util.List AbstractBaseManager.getOMs(java.util.List ids)
          Gets a list of om's based on id's.
protected  java.util.List AbstractBaseManager.getOMs(java.util.List ids, boolean fromCache)
          Gets a list of om's based on id's.
protected  java.util.List AbstractBaseManager.getOMs(ObjectKey[] ids)
          Gets a list of om's based on id's.
protected  java.lang.Object NoOpMethodResultCache.putImpl(MethodCacheKey key, java.lang.Object value)
protected  java.lang.Object MethodResultCache.putImpl(MethodCacheKey key, java.lang.Object value)
protected  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.putInstanceImpl(Persistent om)
          Put an object into the cache
protected  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.putInstanceImpl( key, Persistent om)
          Put an object into the cache
protected  java.lang.Object NoOpMethodResultCache.removeImpl(MethodCacheKey key)
protected  java.lang.Object MethodResultCache.removeImpl(MethodCacheKey key)
protected  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.removeInstanceImpl( key)
          Remove an object from the cache
protected abstract  Persistent AbstractBaseManager.retrieveStoredOM(ObjectKey id)
          Retrieve an object from persistent storage
protected abstract  java.util.List AbstractBaseManager.retrieveStoredOMs(java.util.List ids)
          Gets a list of om's based on id's.
 void AbstractBaseManager.setClassName(java.lang.String v)
          Set the classname to instantiate for getInstance()
 void AbstractBaseManager.setRegion(java.lang.String v)
          Set the value of region.

Constructors in org.apache.torque.manager that throw TorqueException
MethodResultCache(org.apache.jcs.access.GroupCacheAccess cache)
NoOpMethodResultCache(org.apache.jcs.access.GroupCacheAccess cache)

Uses of TorqueException in

Methods in that throw TorqueException
 void DatabaseMap.initialize()
          Fully populate this DatabaseMap with all the TablesMaps.

Uses of TorqueException in

Methods in that throw TorqueException
 TableMap BaseObject.getTableMap()
          Retrieves the TableMap object related to this Table data.
 boolean BaseObject.setByName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Set a field in the object by field (Java) name.
 boolean BaseObject.setByPeerName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Set field values by Peer Field Name
 boolean BaseObject.setByPosition(int position, java.lang.Object value)
          Set field values by it's position (zero based) in the XML schema.
 void BaseObject.setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey primaryKey)
          Sets the PrimaryKey for the object as an Object.
 void BaseObject.setPrimaryKey(SimpleKey[] primaryKey)
          Sets the PrimaryKey for the object as an Object.
 void BaseObject.setPrimaryKey(java.lang.String primaryKey)
          Sets the PrimaryKey for the object.
abstract  void ObjectKey.setValue(java.lang.String s)
          Reset the underlying object using a String.

Uses of TorqueException in org.apache.torque.util

Methods in org.apache.torque.util that throw TorqueException
 void Criteria.Criterion.appendTo(java.lang.StringBuffer sb)
          Appends a representation of the Criterion onto the buffer.
static java.sql.Connection Transaction.begin()
          Begin a transaction for the default database.
static java.sql.Connection Transaction.begin(java.lang.String dbName)
          Begin a transaction.
static java.sql.Connection Transaction.beginOptional(java.lang.String dbName, boolean useTransaction)
          Begin a transaction.
static java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.Object criteria, SqlEnum comparison)
          Builds a simple SQL expression.
static java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.Object criteria, SqlEnum comparison, boolean ignoreCase, DB db)
          Builds a simple SQL expression.
static void columnName, java.lang.Object criteria, SqlEnum comparison, boolean ignoreCase, DB db, java.lang.StringBuffer whereClause)
          Builds a simple SQL expression.
 Criteria SummaryHelper.buildCriteria(Criteria c)
          Builds the criteria to use in summarizing the information.
static Query SQLBuilder.buildQueryClause(Criteria crit, java.util.List params, SQLBuilder.QueryCallback qc)
          Builds a Query clause for Updating and deleting
static void Transaction.commit(java.sql.Connection con)
          Commit a transaction.
static void BasePeer.correctBooleans(Criteria criteria, TableMap defaultTableMap)
          Checks all columns in the criteria to see whether booleanchar and booleanint columns are queried with a boolean.
 int CountHelper.count(Criteria c)
          The COUNT function returns the number of rows in a query.
 int CountHelper.count(Criteria c, java.sql.Connection conn)
          The COUNT function returns the number of rows in a query.
 int CountHelper.count(Criteria c, java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String columnName)
          Returns the number of rows in a query.
 int CountHelper.count(Criteria c, java.lang.String columnName)
          Returns the number of rows in a query.
static void BasePeer.createPreparedStatement(Criteria criteria, java.lang.StringBuffer queryString, java.util.List params)
          Create a new PreparedStatement.
static java.lang.String BasePeer.createQueryString(Criteria criteria)
          Method to create an SQL query for actual execution based on values in a Criteria.
static void BasePeer.deleteAll(java.sql.Connection con, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, int value)
          Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows.
static void BasePeer.deleteAll(java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, int value)
          Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows.
static void BasePeer.doDelete(Criteria criteria)
          Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String).
static void BasePeer.doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String, Connection).
protected static void BasePeer.doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.lang.String tableName)
          Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static void BasePeer.doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.lang.String tableName, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static ObjectKey BasePeer.doInsert(Criteria criteria)
          Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static ObjectKey BasePeer.doInsert(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static java.util.List BasePeer.doPSSelect(Criteria criteria)
          Do a Prepared Statement select according to the given criteria
static java.util.List BasePeer.doPSSelect(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Performs a SQL select using a PreparedStatement.
static java.util.List BasePeer.doSelect(Criteria criteria)
          Returns all results.
static java.util.List BasePeer.doSelect(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Returns all results.
static void BasePeer.doUpdate(Criteria updateValues)
          Convenience method used to update rows in the DB.
static void BasePeer.doUpdate(Criteria updateValues, java.sql.Connection con)
          Convenience method used to update rows in the DB.
static void BasePeer.doUpdate(Criteria selectCriteria, Criteria updateValues)
          Method used to update rows in the DB.
static void BasePeer.doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Criteria updateValues, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method used to update rows in the DB.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, boolean singleRecord, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, java.lang.String dbName, boolean singleRecord)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String dbName)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static java.util.List BasePeer.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String dbName, boolean singleRecord)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static int BasePeer.executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static int BasePeer.executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString, java.sql.Connection con)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static int BasePeer.executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString, java.lang.String dbName)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
 java.util.List LargeSelect.getCurrentPageResults()
          Provide access to the results from the current page.
 int LargeSelect.getCurrentPageSize()
          Provides a count of the number of rows to be displayed on the current page - for the last page this may be less than the configured page size.
static java.lang.String SQLBuilder.getFullTableName(java.lang.String table, java.lang.String dbName)
          Fully qualify a table name with an optional schema reference
 int LargeSelect.getLastRecordNoForPage()
          Provide the record number of the last row included on the current page.
static MapBuilder BasePeer.getMapBuilder(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Use Torque.getMapBuilder(name) instead
 java.util.List LargeSelect.getNextResults()
          Gets the next page of rows.
 java.util.List LargeSelect.getPage(int pageNumber)
          Retrieve a specific page, if it exists.
 java.util.List LargeSelect.getPreviousResults()
          Gets the previous page of rows.
 java.lang.String LargeSelect.getRecordProgressText()
          A convenience method that provides text showing progress through the selected rows on a record basis.
static java.util.List BasePeer.getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds)
          Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List BasePeer.getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List BasePeer.getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List BasePeer.getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, int start, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.lang.String SQLBuilder.getTableName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String dbName)
          Returns a table name from an identifier.
 void LargeSelect.invalidateResult()
          Clear the query result so that the query is reexecuted when the next page is retrieved.
static void JoinBuilder.processJoins(DB db, DatabaseMap dbMap, Criteria criteria, Query query)
          adds the Joins from the criteria to the query
static void Transaction.rollback(java.sql.Connection con)
          Roll back a transaction in databases that support transactions.
 java.util.List SummaryHelper.summarize(Criteria crit)
          Return a list of ListOrderedMapCI objects with the results of the summary query.
 java.util.List SummaryHelper.summarize(Criteria crit, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Return a list of ListOrderedMapCI objects with the results of the summary query.
static void SQLBuilder.throwMalformedColumnNameException(java.lang.String criteriaPhrase, java.lang.String columnName)
          Throws a TorqueException with the malformed column name error message.

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